District Attorney Warren Montgomery of the 22nd JDC sits down with Jeff Crouere on his WLAE “Ringside: Politics with a Punch!” Show. He discusses his Fresh Start Program which helps those who qualify but cannot afford to get their records expunged, receive an expungment on one morning — this year in September. “Many, many people don’t have the time and money, they just give up.” “You don’t have the money because you don’t have a job but you can’t get a job because you have a criminal record…it’s a Catch 22.”
Jeff also asks Mr. Montgomery about the Northshore’s “St Slammany” reputation and his take on the new unanimous jury law for felony cases. Mr. Montgomery says that his job [and that of his ADAs] are as “ministers of justice”– to reduce crime and seek justice. He also let us know that, the population [in the 22nd JDC] is growing but the crime rate is not.